Monthly updates

Partnership Marketing

Monthly updates

Partnership Marketing

April '22
May '22
June '22
  • Partnership leads in March 2022: 5287
  • Partnership leads in April 2022: 3984
  • Number of leads has plunged by 25% but the ratio of leads flowing down the funnel has improved.

1. Leads:

Top 2 partners by lead count:

ClearTax - 1570

Brahma kumaris - 870

75% leads are from paid campaigns

2. Shopify and WooCommerce campaign:

PAN verification has improved from 72.40% in March to 82.25% in April.

3. PAN verification

PeLocal recorded 91% lead to Settlement active ratio

4. Lead to settlement active ratio

Settlement active % for paid campaign has improved from 10% in March to 13% in April. The overall trend is negative.